Full-Time and Part-Time Jobs in the UK Are Available

Employers in the UK hired more permanent staff in one month at the fastest rate ever, according to a recent survey. The news is another sign that the British economy is on a swift rebound from the global pandemic. An increase in hiring for temporary UK jobs also hit a six-year high. 

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation CEO said now there is consistent data over the last few months to show confidence is on the rise and hiring plans are in motion. An increase in starting wages rose over the past month at the fastest rate since 2018.

The staff shortage is linked to the uncertainty of the pandemic and less EU candidates. If you are considering relocating for the perfect job opportunity, submit your resume to Jobs Across the World. Their team of experts will match your skillset with job openings.

billion dollars

In the previous month, the Bank of England lowered the predictions for unemployment to show a peak of 5.4 percent. Finance Minister Rishi Sunak extended the jobs protection program, which has a total of $85 billion to date. 

The UK is seeing the most pressing demands in the job market and knows immigration is the key to keep recovery in motion. Submit your resume to Jobs Across the World and be matched with the perfect job opportunity. As new positions become available you will receive an email. It doesn’t matter where you live or where the opportunity exists. Contact them today and begin living your dream of a better job opportunity.