Canada’s big welcome to foreign skilled talent has aided in the reversal of immigrants heading south to the United States and contributed to the Canadian tech sector’s fast growth in the country
Pre-pandemic, multinational and domestic tech firms based in Canada were hiring talent at a rapid pace. Toward the beginning of the year, companies like Google, Shopify, and Amazon announced plans to hire thousands of employees and build new offices. In Toronto, local tech jobs have doubled over the last five years. Economists predict this flow will resume and even accelerate.
Tech leaders understand that good ideas come from everywhere, and digital companies thrive where there is good talent. Aaron Levie, CEO of Box, a Silicon Valley cloud-storage firm said, “In the digital economy, you hire where the talent is. When you restrict immigration, the jobs still get created, just somewhere else. And later down the road, when those individuals create the next Google, it won’t be here.” As the U.S. started building walls, Canada’s government broke them down with the Global Talent Stream. This program allows innovative businesses to hire foreign workers with specialized skills and fast track their entry. Canada is an open country and welcomes diversity.
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